
The legend

For Romanians and their Geto-Dacian ancestors, Water was and is one of the four elements from which the world was built. In ancient Romanian cosmogonic myths, the element of Water is omnipresent, just like in all mythologies of archaic peoples of the world.

Two and a half millennia before our era, in the Dacian lands from the Carpathians, Zamolxis – Supreme God, king, sage, prophet, and healer of the Dacians, which made these people the only ones who could face the Persian army, he discovered before being exalted on the gold lands of the Mountains Apuseni a spring rich in gold and silver, which later became the elixir of longevity and the Dacian force.

From lands rich with the gifts of divinity, miraculous Water springs forth by Zamolxis to his people, who brought the Dacians wisdom, vitality, power, physical and intellectual, for the evolution they had and which is still visible today, taken over by our ancestors.

Zamolxis was the only god who managed to make his people believe themselves immortals, telling them “That neither he nor his guests nor their descendants in forever they will not die, but will only move to a place where, living forever, they will have all the good things”.

The Romanians, amazed and feeling threatened by the power and especially the bravery of what is amplified in these people, as history tells us well, have begun to be more and more fascinated by the Dacian people and to start the invasion to discover their secrets.

Also, history reminds us that Romanian prisoners disfigured them to Emperor Traian, the golden riches hidden by Decebalus, and “the water of immortality which gushes from the gold deposit” from which the Dacians consumed being guided by Zamolxis. About the Dacian women, the prisoners reported that they bathed in this Water of divinity and were seen as “slender, tall and rejuvenated,” which caused the envy of the greatest Roman women, especially the wife of Emperor Trajan, Pompeia Plotinus.

The story of this spring has salasluit generation after generation in the locality Stanija, the gold-bearing area in the Apuseni Mountains, from where the Romanians also extracted and transported over 255 tons of native gold.

Throughout the medieval era until the modern era, the area represented a strong point for processing gold and silver ores, a wealth of the Dacian lands, being preserved until today.

Part of the deposits extracted from the mines of Stanija (Hunedoara) are preserved and can be viewed in the unique mineralogical collection in Europe, the gold museum in Brad (Hunedoara)

The undried spring from Dacian times was for generations of our ancestors and is still a healing Dacian remedy, considering that in those days, there was no specialized assistance.

The residents of the area remember the local elders who used the Water for various ailments, one case being the great-grandfather of the local Achim Marcus Traian, who, knowing the story from the area of ​​the god Zamolxis in connection with this spring and from his reports that he was cured by consuming Water without other doctors, he decided to make detailed analyzes of this spring to discover its wonderful properties.

After several repeated analyses to find out if the properties were maintained at various specialized institutes both in Vienna, Austria and in Stockholm, Sweden, it was discovered that this Water has a unique content in the world, namely gold and silver in isotopic form.

The isotopic form of these metals has been proven beneficial for the human body by the laureate of the Nobel Prize for chemistry, the Egyptian Ahmed Zewail, who studied femtochemistry on matter and came to the conclusion that a molecule is born through an energetic vibration of the order of billionths second.

Ahmed Zewail Gold, silver, iron, magnesium, and boron are elements that combine with the water molecule in isotopic form. Flat and mineral waters contain these elements, but not in isotopic form.

Energy vibration is produced in Water, and the resulting energy is beneficial for the human body. This energy is part of the 4 fundamental forces of the universe. The benefit comes from the energetic resonators that arise from the inclusion of these metals only in the water molecule. By consuming Water, this form of energy should be amplified and produced in a controlled way.

Among the benefits of consumption from this source are listed:

–         Stimulation of the body’s vital force

–         Equalization of tissues and acceleration of atomic vibrations

–         Purifying the body of toxins

–         Normal functioning of the blood and lymphatic circulatory system

–         Stimulation of cell regeneration

–         Revitalization of the whole body and exponential increase of energy

The special effects on the human body gave longevity and vitality to the inhabitants of the area, reaching nowadays to maintain up to the age of 100 years, considering that by drinking this Water we prevent the formation of the most common diseases of the modern age.

King’s Water, a natural miracle left by Zamolxis, continues to flow nowadays on the rich lands of the West.

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January 2025
